Exynos battery guru
Exynos battery guru

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Exynos battery guru pdf#

I suspect this is because of the PDF rendering part of the test which is more compute intensive and just outright CPU throughput-bound. It’s interesting to see here the difference that the increased 2.3GHz clock brings – everything else being equal, the writing test gets a big boost in the score. The PELT changes alongside the tuning did bring us back above the stock kernel in the video and writing tests. Raising clockspeeds further to 2.3GHz didn’t bring much improvement – improving performance here sees diminishing returns and making the cores more aggressive brings a larger power and battery degradation.Īs noted in part 1, I said I was confident being able to quickly recuperate some of the performance degradations of the first custom kernel. Custom 2 & 3 retained similar performance however the performance boost here over the stock configuration comes from the increased scheduler and DVFS responsivity. The first variant’s performance boost was caused by the capacity scale shift towards the big cores and thus having more workloads migrated onto the M3’s. In PCMark’s web browsing test 2.0 we see a major improvement from all of the custom configurations.

Exynos battery guru code#

Custom 2 contains the more major kernel modifications which we've covered on the first page while maintaining the 1794MHz maximum clocks.Ĭustom 3 configuration maintains all mechanisms but raises the clock back to 2314MHz – a clock which based on some investigation in the kernel source code may have been the original maximum designed frequency the SoC, and incidentally the last frequency before major diminishing performance/power returns in terms of voltage scaling. To recap what we’re looking at: the original firmware S9 (E9810) scores showcase the unmodified behaviour the custom 1 modifications simply limit performance to 1794MHz on the M3 cores and disable the higher clock boost modes. Again I like to comment that the following figures are not the best scores that the device achieved but they are with the configuration that in my opinion best balanced performance and battery life given the time invested. Having addressed the biggest issues in terms of scheduler and DVFS scaling, it’s time to check how this impacts our benchmark results. System performance was the key concern for the Exynos 9810 Galaxy S9.

Exynos battery guru